St. Alphonsus Liguori School Charger News

Save the Date for these future exciting events:

  • Parish Carnival at St. Alphonsus Campus! June 12, 13, 14, and 15 Carnival Rides, Games, Food, Mega 4 day tickets go on sale after Spring Break

  • PSA presents the La dolce vita Summer Soiree Fundraiser Dinner and Dance, Saturday, May 31 (More Information to follow)

  • Mother/Son Star Wars Event, Gym, May 4, 3-5pm, flyers went home today, flyer attached

  • Spring Fashion Show, Luncheon, Easter Bunny visit and pictures, proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund, Sunday, April 13, 12:30-2:30pm, St. Alphonsus Gym, 

  • Order Fashion Show Easter Bunny Luncheon tickets here

  • Volunteer to help here

Would you like your student (boys and girls) to be in the Fashion Show? We are looking for students in all grades to show off their Spring Finest! No purchase of new clothing necessary. This is just for fun. We would like to ask all 7th/8th/6th graders to walk in the show with younger students if they have availability.

Thank you all for being so supportive of our efforts to help our school families!

Things of note:

  • Another free sports camp is coming on April 6th.  For information on this and Summer Camp, please contact Margaret, our Parish Manager.

  • Spring Break starts Monday! Students return to school on Monday, March 31. We hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • To be considered by the Archdiocese for any extra scholarships, you must have your applications filled out on Facts by April 1.

  • Join us on April 1 at Buona Beef/Rainbow Cone for a Dine and Share supporting our Athletic Teams.

  • April 6 we will have another free Basketball Camp for all ages! Flyer attached

  • Visit the church website to sign up for Feed My Starving Children April 4 7-9pm

  • Our 7th/8th graders and Mrs. Duncan and Mr. Shepherd are having an amazing and educational time in Washington D.C. They come home tonight. Check out our Instagram and Facebook Pages to see pictures of their adventures. Pray for safe travels for them and all families next week

St. Alphonsus Liguori School Charger News

Dates to Notice:

  • Tonight, all families are invite to the Prospect Heights Library to view students' artwork. Our school is one of the featured schools exhibited! Come see the great work by your children and Mrs. Duncan!

  • Tomorrow, Tuesday evening, is the mandatory Confirmation meeting for parents and students in Confirmation.

  • Don't forget, Thursday, March 13 this week, is the Academic Fair starting 6:30 in the gym and dining hall. All students in grades K-8 are required to be here during the event Thursday. Prek students have made a project as well and are welcome to attend. Students should wear the dress school uniform, and will stay next to their project if in grades 1-8. They will be answering questions as parents tour the projects and look at the displays. The event is over at 8pm.

  • Saturday is the First Communion Retreat for all students participating in First Communion.

  • It is not too late to register for the Spring Break Camp here in the building. Flyers are available in the school office!

  • Thank you to everyone who came to the St. Patrick's party Sunday evening and even more thanks to those parents who helped. We had students volunteering as well! Mrs. Harlan came and worked all evening! Your time helping raise money for students in our school to be able to attend is appreciated!

Dates to Notice:

  • Early Bird Registration Discount ends March 1. Email Linda Bromer and ask to be added to the registration for next year.

  • Thursday, February 20, Spring Picture Day

Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day! This is an optional picture day. All pictures must be ordered online or send in tomorrow the picture envelope sent home a couple of weeks ago. Please make sure your child's teacher knows you want to have their picture taken by emailing the teacher. Students having their pictures taken can dress in nice or cute clothing. We will assume anyone dressed down is having a picture made. Pictures will be starting 8:00 a.m. and over by 9:00 a.m. at the latest. Older students can bring clothes to change into if you would like.

March 1 is also the last day to order yearbooks! Order here: using the school code 1210125 or send $20 to the school office with your child's name and grade. Checks are paid to the school.

Don't forget to sign up for the school dance on Friday if your student is in 5th-8th.

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, March 13 from 6:30-8:30 is the School Academic Fair as stated on the school calendar since the beginning of the year. This is a mandatory participation event for grades K-8. Teachers have started assigning projects and displays and work for the fair and projects will be displayed during the fair in the gym and dining hall. Students will stand or sit by their projects and parents and family members can ask questions and tour the projects. If you have any questions, please contact your teacher by email.

Wolves Game: PSA is sponsoring this event! Here is the link to order tickets: Wolves Game

Please support our Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fundraising efforts. We are hoping to provide tuition assistance so families can send their students to our school next year. Share this GoFundMe link with everyone you know!

St. Alphonsus Liguori School Charger News February 17, 2025

Order your tickets now! PSA (Parent School Association) is sponsoring our school at the Wolves Game! Printed forms are coming home in your child's folder today.

Dates to Notice:

  • Tuesday, today, February 18, Mom's Night Out (see flyer on the website and coming home in the folder today)

  • Tuesday, today, February 18, Mandatory First Communion Parent Meeting

  • Friday, February 21, School Dance, 6:30-8:30pm Gym, 5th-8th Grades. Please respond today by filling out the link below to reserve your spot and pizza.

  • Saturday, February 22, Confirmation Retreat

  • Save the date: Friday, March 21, PSA is sponsoring: St. Alphonsus Liguori School Family Night at the Chicago Wolves! See the attached flyer for details. 

Dear Parents and Staff:

We hope you are staying warm in this cold weather! Have hope! Next week should be a little warmer we hope.

Please check your child's folder for the Mom's Night Out event tonight. This is a wonderful chance for Moms to recharge and refresh.

5th-8th graders reserve your pizza and entrance to the school dance on Friday evening by filling out this RSVP: Join us for a luau themed night with glowsticks, leis, dj, and more!

Thank you to everyone who attended the Valentine's Dinner and for supporting the Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fund. We raised over $1300 to help students attend our school. More events and fundraising to come.

Check out our events page, school calendar, and the school backpack on our website for the most updated information:

St. Alphonsus Liguori School Charger News February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day! All of our families, parents and students, and staff are very much loved and appreciated!

Dates to Notice:

  • Sunday, February 16, Valentine's Dinner at Canta Napoli to raise money for the Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fund. It is not too late to RSVP. Please let us know today by emailing if you would like to attend, how many in your party, and if there are any allergies. The cost is $45 per person and goes to the Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fund for students in our school! You will receive a wonderful dinner (buffet style), dancing, cash bar, and dessert and a glass of champagne! We hope you can come.

  • Thank you to everyone who helped with the Beach Party last night! It was a huge success and so many people volunteered. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fund for our students. Thank you to the teachers and aides who spent hours helping before, during, and at the end of the evening. So many wonderful parents pitched in with decorating, in the kitchen, and at the end of the night it seemed that every parent and some students helped with clean up! Our new volunteer DJ, Marcella Chavez, is fantastic!

  • We especially thank Mr. Shepherd for being such a good sport! He ended the night covered in whipped cream from "pies" being thrown at him.

  • Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm, and see you Tuesday!

  • Go Chargers!

St. Alphonsus Liguori School Charger News February 10, 2025

Dates to Notice:

  • Tuesday and Wednesday support our Athletics by ordering a heart shaped pizza at Pizza Pavia in Prospect Heights! This dine and share raises money for our sports teams. 

  • Thursday, February 13, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Beach Party for families in the gym!

  • Valentine parties for grades varying on days this week

  • Friday, February 14, Archdiocese required Professional Development Day, students do not attend school-Happy Valentine's Day

  • Sunday, Family Mass, 11:00 a.m.

  • Sunday, February 16, 5-9pm, Valentine's Dinner and Dance fundraiser to raise money for the Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fund. Please purchase tickets and help us help our families attend St. Al's. 

  • Monday, February 17, no school, Presidents' Day holiday

  • Tuesday, February 18, Mom's Night Out event, First Communion Mandatory Parent Meeting

  • Wednesday, February 19, PSA Dinner Dance planning meeting, all invited

  • Thursday, February 20, Spring Picture Day, all students should wear whatever you would like them to have a picture taken in-pictures ordered will be delivered before Easter and Mother's Day. Let your teacher know if opting out. Students opting out wear the normal uniform that day. 

  • Saturday, February 22, mandatory Confirmation retreat

Dear Parents and Staff,

We hope you enjoyed the weekend. Please take note of the events listed above. 

This week we are bringing back a fun school tradition from year's past! Please join us Thursday night for the Beach Party in the gym and Dining Hall! Entry is free and games are free. We will sell pizza, concessions, popcorn, and drinks (cash only). We will have music for dancing and tons of fun things to do! Help is needed to set up and decorate starting 5pm, and doors open from 6-8pm. We do need a few people or 7th/8th graders to help run games, sell food, and clean up after. We have DJ equipment, so if anyone knows how to DJ, please let us know. To volunteer, please email Wear your best beach outfits-snow can't stop us from having fun! 

Sunday evening we are having the first of a few fundraisers to raise money for our Sr. Agnes Scholarship Fund. This fund directly helps our school families attend St. Alphonsus School. From 5-9pm, adults are invited to come have wonderful food at Canta Napoli in Mt. Prospect, dance, and enjoy the evening. Please purchase tickets here or in the school office:

Don't forget to register for the next school year by March 1. Just email Linda Bromer to register.