At Saint Alphonsus Liguori School, parents have a plethora of opportunities to volunteer. From running the concession stand at a girls volleyball game to planning the class holiday party as a Room Parent, there are volunteer opportunities that fit everyone’s schedule.
Parent Ambassador Program
Parents have the opportunity to assist on tours and open houses and to speak during Mass at parishes locally without schools. The focus of the parent ambassador is to work to help obtain new families, help the new families as they adjust to our school life, and to look for opportunities to share our story to others.
The time commitment is minimal but the effect is immeasurable. You can choose the amount of time or involvement.
At the request of the Cardinal and the National Council of Bishops it is mandatory that anyone who works or volunteers in any capacity with children must complete an on-line background check, sign a Volunteer Code of Conduct, and complete a Virtus “Protecting God’s Children” workshop. This process must be completed as soon as possible, before you begin your volunteer work.
If you are unable to access the Internet or if you would prefer to supply the requested information on paper, please call our school, and we will assist you in completing the process.
Please note: unless you are an employee of the school or parish, please follow all instructions for VOLUNTEERS. You must complete the CBC (vol), CANTS, PGC Virtus, and the ACC Code of Conduct. Thank you!