Saint Alphonsus Liguori Catholic School
411 North Wheeling Road
Prospect Heights, IL 60070
Phone:  (847) 255-5538
Fax:  (847) 255-0353

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 2:45 PM

Saint Alphonsus Liguori School is a vibrant blue ribbon school and serves the communities of Prospect Heights, Wheeling, Arlington Heights, Mt. Prospect, and Buffalo Grove. We are located within the District 21 school district and offer an excellent education for grades Preschool 3-Eighth Grade. We have full day Preschool and Kindergarten, and before and after care for working families.

Our scholarship fund serves to help over 75 families in our school. Saint Alphonsus Liguori School will be celebrating our 70th year in education next year and is looking forward to another 70 years! However, our families need help and we need your support.

Sr. Agnes was a teacher for many years in our school and after retirement, volunteered in the classroom until she was 93 years old. She embodied the Saint Alphonsus Liguori School values of compassion and service, and she believed that all students deserve the highest standards of education. Sr. Agnes was a role model to all who knew her and will be a role model for generations to come.

Please donate and help us to continue the mission Sr. Agnes began of ensuring all who ask can receive a Catholic education. Many of our students qualify for free and reduced lunches and have a low income. We would like to help every family attend our school no matter the income. Please help us fulfill this mission of serving our community. Thank you for your generosity.


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Donate to the Sister Agnes Scholarship which gives financial assistance to families who qualify for tuition assistance

Donate to the school general fund